





home of the ZX Spectrum emulator for .net

MicroMart Score 9 MicroMart Editors Choice

We scored 9/10
As seen in the MicroMart - Please check it out.
Think our emulator is worthy of an award ? Then please submit it and let us know.

ZX Spectrum Emulator

Why break new ground when you can dig up the past?

Remember the days when keys stuck down, the kettle boiled quicker then loading one game and at times it didn't load at all "R Tape Loading Error", When you sat for hours typing in code from a magazine for a DIY game (cheap skate) ... yet it never ran!... hundreds of lines of code with an unknown typo (somewhere)... priceless.

Well it never really went away and just for your pleasure we are proudly and somewhat sadly ready to release a .net windows emulator for you to relive it all over again, who needs super fast computers, amazing graphics, games in gigabytes when kilobytes could provide enough space to draw a stick man ( and we used our imagination to build the rest ) who needs Microsoft Windows and 8086 processing power when... Well... actually we do - without it this isn't going to work... anyhow download play, moan, and help out don't be shy, We need funding, and Your old spectrum tapes to preserve get them from the loft and don't bin them, kind caring homes waiting! So if you have something we are missing please help out.

Other ZX Spectrum related projects

Along with building the emulator we started a few other Spectrum related projects and when ready will be released here at ZX Spectrum 4 .net for public use - we are working hard... time and money permitting.

One of these off shoot projects is a portable tape database of ZX Spectrum cassettes, there's been some great work over the past hmm couple of decades, with new initiative ways of storing the "sound waves" on a tape and turning them in to digital files, thus allowing greater storage and flexibility manipulating the tape data, Some guys have worked hard to try and preserve and find all possible Spectrum cassettes to mention a few sites worldofspectrum.org - tzxvault.org - among others (if you want to be added to the links, contact us), each is not just the administrator or webmaster it takes many people sending in tapes and tzx / tape files and research in order to create such detailed databases and collections

well done guys keep up the good work.

ZX Spectrum cassette database

We have decided to attempt to consolidate the know cassette's (via their data) in an aim to help find the missing and unknown ones, but we also found many existing spectrum tools a bit difficult to use none we saw had any record of known cassettes, We felt anyone should be able to just plug in a cassette player into their PC and with a click of a button the image could be created and then checked against the latest known list / database of all cassettes ... sounds pretty straight forward ..? well its a little more technically complicated than that and still needs a lot of work, but first impressions of what we have so far shows some promising results we now have a local database application which will detect over 8000+ game cassettes and growing ... and hope to release parts / betas and other tools too... book mark us and check back.

Timing Tests

Since embarking on the development of the ZX Spectrum Emulator we have created few tests in-order to get a deeper understanding of the ZX Spectrum Hardware ... more info here... If you have a real spectrum please check it out here

Help Us

If you like the site, emulator or any of the tools or just the ZX Spectrum then please link to us, help us climb the Google
Are you are a social tweeter ? Then please facetube us!

Thanks for reading, please if you can help out do so - Enjoy ZXSpectrum4.net Team.


For our Spectrum 4 Android
Check out our new ZX Spectrum emulator for Android devices. Android

Celebrating (More than) 10 Years !!!
Celebrating 10 Years


Thanks to EVERYONE for showing their support by registering, recommending, praise, and helping it gain this great popularity..

June 2022
New: SoundLab SL ZX4 RS-1

Added: .CSQ File Compress square lossless
Added: .toc File Multi-load & tape table of contents
Optimize/Speed Improvements
Z80 Interrupt bug fix - Pro Skateboard Simulator
IO Port bug fix - Pulsar

April 2022
How to: Preserve & Restore old tapes
Added: Wave Detection
Added: Wave Amplitude
Added: Debugger tape position
Tape deck bug fix

March 2020
Config update

October 2019
ZX Spectrum 4 Android

September 2019
Server update

August 2019
Bug fixing

June 2018
Menu fix

March 2018
Poke file support added.
Inc. example .pke in package

Also check the The TipShop to DIY

September 2017
Build your own Joystick Interface

April 2017
Added extra Joystick compatibility

January 2017
Bug fixed previous release!

December 2016
Bug fixes
Optimizing Code
More tapes added online

March 2016
Added Interface for
Elite's Recreated ZX Spectrum Keyboard

August 2015
Microsoft® Windows 10 Compatible

April 2015
Optimized Screen Code

Timing Tests Completeed
For models: 128k & +2(Grey)

December 2014
Twitter account

August 2014
.szx file format added
+ Zlib Compression
Bug fix

February 2014
Bug fix - [removing introduced bug]

January 2014
Optimizing Code -[introducing bug]

June 2013
Optimizing Code

February 2013
Added ZX Printer

December 2012
Added Network
Added Full Screen

August 2012
Microsoft® Windows 8 Compatible

of the Week

As seen in the MicroMart

Spectrum Cassette Library goes live,
over 3000 cassettes and counting...
More info

June 2012
Added Help Documentaion
Added Kempston Mouse

May 2012:
Fixed Border timing

April 2012:
Fixed controller menu bug
Record .wav see Saving

March 2012:
+3 Model Added

Loads .DSK Disk Images
Thanks to Simon Owen ..
Check out his site simonowen.com

August 2011:
Jupiter Ace Emulator
New project, Released under microemulator.net
Please check it out, more to follow...

July 2011:
+2 Model Added

June 2011:
128k Model Added


ZX Spectrum Emulator for Microsoft Windows, developed under Microsoft .net framework.

It emulates all known ZX Spectrum behaviours, timing and models 16k, 48k, 128k, +2, +3 (including 3 inch floppy disk drive and tape deck emulation), Sound, Border, Basic, Snapshot saving and more... supported file formats include .wav .tzx .sna .z80 .tap .dsk


We've now included a couple of games in different formats to help those non technical get started, for more help please visit the help section


Microsoft Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP
( XP requires microsoft .net framework )

NO install required, and NO registry garbage.

Download the latest ZXSpectrum4.zip for free.
Latest Version 1.0.8305 Build: 21215 (11750)

DOWNLOAD - learn more

If automatic setup fails use
manual download above
Setup click and choose 'RUN '

we need your help!

ZX Spectrum Cassette Database

In order to maximise the database we need to find as many cassettes as possible, from unknown ones to ones known but we are unable to locate.

If you can help us with any old cassettes you may have in the loft you no longer want or know someone that has then please contact us and give them to a good home, If we can't get there in person we can get them collected by courier - please don't throw them!

Don't worry if you have no old cassettes please register your copy of the emulator by doing so helps us obtain further hardware and software for the project, and plus gives you full functionality of the emulator.

Help by donating or registering


A big "THANK YOU!" to everyone the has donated, time, money, knowledge, tapes and hardware we are truly grateful - ZXSpectrum4.net Team.