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the ZX Spectrum cassette tape library
Tape Details.
Title: Forbidden Planet
publisher: Design Design Software
Year: 1986
Category: Games
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Emulator Diary
+3 Model Added
Loads .DSK Disk Images
We've fixed a few reported bugs.. Debugger, Mute, Threading.
+3 on the Way!
Added new model: ZX Spectrum +2
To change models choose 'Hardware' in the Menu.
Added new model: ZX Spectrum 128
To change models choose 'Hardware' in the Menu.
Resolution bug fix for screen size Windows 7, Vista, ect.
Added undoc'd port behaviour now the only emulator with port #FE & bit 6 delay, never seen this emulated so may come in handy one day!
Added port emulation for old 16/48 Issue 2 and later 48 Issue 3 keyboards, Change under: Menu | Controllers
Been busy!
ALL core timings checked and tested against real hardware (more info soon)
Undocumented flags tested against real hardware.
Poke facility can be found under the 'Tools' Menu.
Dual Joystick Support! - Kempston & Sinclair (USB/MIDI).
New Keyboard with some help added.
Menu system updated.
Drag & Drop Loading.
Microsoft Windows 7 compatible.
Accelerated tape loader "edge detection"- thanks again to
Woody - Author of the excellent SpecEmu
Windows 64bit fixed loading issue.
New version few adjustments on the file loading routines, more to do, keep watching.
Work has been on tzx tape image scanner
check Spectrum cassette tapes page
Optional "fast load .tzx" for standard block tzx files, manic miner loads in 1 second! opposed to 3 minutes.
Added auto save emulator configuration
Emulate tape from a wav file.
Loading live tape from external cassette or mp3 player via a sound card input.. not yet enabled - (wip)
Upgraded sound to 44100hz.
Screen draw routines and timing rebuilt.
Memory delays added and tuned.
Extra menus added.
Screen shot added.
Basic sound, No support for .net windows api's were used to avoid any MS Direct(mess)!!!
Borders drawn at full speed.
Saving file support, sna.
Loading file support, tap, .tzx.
Tape deck screen added for file information and progress.
Screen graphics added and buttons.
Start the ZXSpectrum4.net project!
Working model of z80 and spectrum 48k rom.
Memory and screen memory to windows.
Loading file support, sna, z80.
How Does it work
Want more info ? Information
we need your help!
ZX Spectrum Cassette Database
In order to maximise the database we need to find as many cassettes as possible, from unknown ones to ones known but we are unable to locate.
If you can help us with any old cassettes you may have in the loft you no longer want or know someone that has then please contact us and give them to a good home, If we can't get there in person we can get them collected by courier - please don't throw them!
Don't worry if you have no old cassettes please register your copy of the emulator by doing so helps us obtain further hardware and software for the project, and plus gives you full functionality of the emulator.
Help by donating or registering
A big "THANK YOU!" to everyone the has donated, time, money, knowledge, tapes and hardware we are truly grateful - ZXSpectrum4.net Team.
ZX Spectrum Emulator for Microsoft Windows, developed under Microsoft .net framework.
It emulates all known ZX Spectrum behaviours, timing and models 16k, 48k, 128k, +2, +3 (including 3 inch floppy disk drive and tape deck emulation), Sound, Border, Basic, Snapshot saving and more... supported file formats include .wav .tzx .sna .z80 .tap .dsk
We've now included a couple of games in different formats to help those non technical get started, for more help please visit the help section
Microsoft Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP
( XP requires microsoft .net framework )
Latest Version 1.0.8305 Build: 21215 (17263)
If automatic setup fails use
manual download above
Setup click and choose 'RUN '